Automata Workshop

The completed animatronic piece can be seen here.
Making rollers.
I like using lignum vitae rollers on cam followers because this takes away a lot of friction from the piece. I used to turn them on the lathe from square sections but this is time consuming and wastes a lot of material. Now I use a plug cutter in the pillar drill. This cuts consistent rollers with highly polished surfaces. It is also very fast.
automata rollers
The finished cam followers with the rollers fitted with brass axles.
automata cam rollers
I need to tell the micro controller what the position of the axle is so that it can stop the motor when the men are either talking or staring. For this I use a disc with 2 holes with and LED shining through to a light sensitive resistor.
It looks best of the disc is a good circle so to best achieve this i rough cut the disc from birch ply on the band saw.
automaton cutting circles
I then use the band sander to finish the circle to the line.
automaton band sanding
This gives a good finish.
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A small collar made on the milling machine will hod the disc at right angles to the cam shaft.
This could also be turned on the lathe but I wanted to try out the capabilities of my new mill.
automaton axle collar
The finished and painted disc mounted on the cam shaft.
automaton axle